Athens, Greece
Yiannos Yianniotis and his associates have created INTERelationships, a sustainable, collective housing, supported living complex with public usages that host vulnerable groups of people living in a collective community.
This project was short-listed for a 2021 International Architecture Award from The Chicago Athenaeum and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.
The social impact of the project is important because it (re)integrates these people with work and joint participation in a multitude of activities with city residents.
It may thus become a cultural attraction where interpersonal relationships develop through social, cultural, and leisure revenue-generated activities run by tenants.
The fundamental aim of the project is to propose a Sustainable Dwelling Model.
Sustainability is defined in terms of Infrastructure (Zero Energy), User (Universal Design, Health monitoring, Social Integration, Job offer), and Operation Management (human and spatial resources utilization, Zero Waste).
Project: INTERelationships
Architects: Yanniotis & Associates | Architects & Consulting Engineers
Client: Yanniotis & Associates
Contractor: Yanniotis & Associates
Photographers: Yanniotis & Associates