TTS presents Oti-Bot, an innovative STEAM robot designed for the future of education in mind.
The design team of TTS realized that social Robotic devices are beginning to become more commonplace in everyday life.
Therefore, they wanted to bridge the gap in educational robotics by creating the perfect robotic device to familiarize learners with working alongside a humanoid robot and allow for a holistic use of a robotic device throughout the curriculum.
Oti-Bot has been awarded a 2023 Good Design Award by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.
Oti-Bot is suitable for supporting learners across all subject areas, Oti-Bot is a versatile, social, engaging, and upgradable humanoid robot designed for the 21st Century classroom.
The Oti design embraces a minimalistic aesthetic inspired by retro-futuristic ideals of the future. It feels both current and timeless.
The considered split line curves with Oti’s wheels and profile make the construction and assembly of the robot feel organic.
The wider base provides the stability that allows Oti to move without juddering or falling over, while the neck narrows to create an easy grip for users wanting to insert a pen, use the switches, or simply pack away Oti.
Oti’s wide-eyed friendly animated faces help to make the tech inside feel approachable to students, enabling them to feel comfortable when experiencing some of this technology for the first time.
The features Oti comes with a free app offering different levels of challenge. Younger users can play with Oti by showing QR cards that initiate a response or by using the directional controls to move Oti.
More advanced users will be able to build programs for Oti, creating unique responses to different inputs and utilizing all of Oti’s more advanced features.
The programmable pen holder on the base of Oti can be used to turn Oti into a drawing robot. Oti-Bot’s camera can be used to live stream to multiple tablets, supporting a collaborative approach to his use.
His face can also be programmed to display a range of animated emotions and every action from low battery to live streaming has a unique language-free display that will appear on the screen.
Oti is also equipped with, a line follower, capacitive sensors, a color sensor, a programmable LED tummy, a programable head, 6 axis gyro, an Interchangeable tummy, a microphone, and a speaker.
Project: Oti-Bot
Designer: TTS Group Limited
Design Team: Jed Brown, Gemma Koch, Katie Hoy, Donald Rose, Andrew Husband, Anthony Farrell, Joe Harper, and Scott Shore
Manufacturer: TTS Group Limited