Tokyo, Japan
Fossilized Future is a collection designed by SO KOIZUMI DESIGN and will be presented in Milan Design Week 2014.
The collection resembles fossilized wood and was born from So Koizumi’s imagining of the form of contemporary resources in the future.
As resources of today fossilize into the future, the designer through his work raises the question of “how the current society will be perceived in the future, and how today’s human creations will have an impact on the future.”
Thus, the Fossilized Future works as a perspective of a future where this furniture will be discovered as fossils, it offers a new viewpoint.
The collection is made from materials, such as wood from nearby forests that fell due to oak wilt disease and soil-like materials found in the surrounding area.
These materials include not only minerals and charcoal that are components of the soil, but also natural materials discarded daily such as rice husks, leftover coffee grounds, and vegetable peels, which serve as traces of everyday life.
So Koizumi developed and experimented with these materials in order to create a unique new material that could be considered as the ‘contemporary soil.’
The large blocks are created using this material and cut by a chainsaw by the designer.
This process resembles excavating fossils buried in the soil, and the discoveries of the exposed cross-sections are preserved as they are.
Project: Fossilized Future
Lead Designer: So Koizumi